This is the Message Centre for Bekster
TIMELORD Started conversation Jul 28, 2002
Have a cup on me*
Hello and welcome to h2g2 we are a friendly bunch and like to greet the newcomers so i thought i would stop by and say hello.
We have a group called A.C.E.s there assistant community editors who will drop by and leave a few of these
They are very helpful like that but until one drops by if there is anything that you would like just reply to this message or drop by my homepage by clicking on my name and ask me there.
*If you click on the cup it will take you to the smiley page were you learn how to make your own
Bekster Posted Jul 30, 2002
Thank you for the welcome!!
I dropped by your page and was shocked to hear about Josh Kirby - I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett and hadn't heard that Mr Kirby had died
On a lighter note did you know that Senor Pratchett has just published "Theif of Time" in Welsh - not much cop if you're not a Welsh speaker but tres cool if (like me) you are. The man is coming close to becoming one of my Gods!!
TIMELORD Posted Jul 30, 2002
I have a sister-in-law from Wales but i don't think she will be reading it.
Yes it was a sad piece of news about Josh Kirby he had just finished the cover for the second quiz book i have two good friends on here Greebo T Cat and Granny Weatherwax Greebo runs a lot of things were as Granny enters my quiz in THE POST thats the sites newspaper Greebo also writes for it and helps run it as well you should take a look
TIMELORD Posted Jul 30, 2002
Would you belive that it was once one by someone that got all 10 wrong!I like to make it hard people have got a week to answer and someone normaly gets all 10 right.This week i wanted to do something a little different so the winner will be tyhe person that is nearest the total when all the scores are added up you could get all 10 wrong and still win i don't think anyone will get 10/10 this week as i have been very tricky with one of the questions.
TIMELORD Posted Jul 30, 2002
I think the regulars to the quiz look up the answers so 9 of them they will find easy one is very tricky and could catch them out.
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