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Sony wants to become The Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation

Post 1


 Well it is happening. The Sony Corporation wants to become the Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation.

They are starting out small. They are selling an artifical dog!! It is called an AIBO (

The name "AIBO" comes from the words,
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) + robot. "AIBO" also has an "eye" (homonym of A.I.). The word "aibou" is also the word for "partner" or "pal" in Japanese.

For just $2500 usd you can be one of the first 5000 people on the planet to have a Rodog of your very own. The poor little barker only runs for about 90 minutes per charge and it takes 4 hours to charge the batteries. Not a good way to start.

The most interesting part is the fact that the dog has emotions and instincts. Really, go read it on Sony's web site.

I would get one of these, but they are still a bit pricy. I will be following this to see what develops.

Sony wants to become The Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation

Post 2

Dr. Destructo

I am deeply infatuated by the idea of a robotical pet. Although this "litter" does not, the next will be able to charge thier own batteries (i.e. take a nap). This behavior cupled with the "emotions" that Sony claims to have built into these amazing creatures is the perfect combination for a wonderful pet. They're darn cute also. I would enjoy nothing more than a little pet that needs as little or as much attention as I can give it. This works extreemly well with my constantly changeing schedule. I may be too busy to come home for a week at a time. I may not leave my home in a similar span some time later. Any "animal" pet would surly not work for me. A robotical pet is my only alternative.

I don't believe that one could be allergic to "robot dander" either. I am quite sure that it does not exist. I am not affected by dander of any nature, however, some I am close too are. I would hate to have to vaccumm all the robot dander before I had company. In fact, I don't like to vaccumm any time. This does not, however, prevent me from doing so. A robotical vaccumm would be nice though. Maybe I could teach rover to use mine while I am away....

Sony wants to become The Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation

Post 3

The Dancing Tree

Someone I know made a furry Tamagotchi (sp?) that's about 2 feet high. Someone asked him what the difference was between his one and the normal ones besides the fur. "My one really poos" he said. And it did, so long as you fed it.

Sony wants to become The Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation

Post 4

Researcher 78454

If you're still interested in Aibo's, keep an eye on my page. I was just confirmed for delivery of one of the pooch's. I'm not looking at it as a replacement for the dog I don't have time for. Rather, an entertaining little diversion to liven up the occasional dinner party, or dull evening watching the television. Over the last few weeks, I've been in contact with quite a number of Aibo owners, and most of them have come to see their toys as pets. I'm skeptical but keeping an open mind. Who know's maybe it is the perfect pet. One way or the other, it's going to be one of my main topics of discussion on my h2g2 page.

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Sony wants to become The Sirrius Cybernetics Corporation

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