This is the Message Centre for Fish's Freak

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 1

Fish's Freak

I don't know if people are aware of my relationship with food, but suffice to say it's not healthy. I was getting better at it though. But now I seem to be worse again. smiley - erm

Anyway, the point of this is, I ate some apple pie today, which had mould on it, and I didn't realise. So I guess I probably ate some manky mouldy stuff. And now I feel ill.

Now, I also have problems with neuroses and paranoia. Hence I am now afraid that I'm gonna be ill. To put it mildy. And we're talking debilitating illness here.

I'm probably being stupid.


Well, I guess the problem is, I'm now feeling like I can't take care of myself properly. Which is annoying, as there's no-one else around to look after me.


I better do some work, I suppose.

I know I'm being silly. Just ignore me.

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 2

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

OK then. smiley - erm


Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 3

Fish's Freak

smiley - smiley

Seriously, I'm not gonna die, am I? smiley - erm

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 4

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yes, many years from now. smiley - erm

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 5

Fish's Freak

That's ok.

I'm being stupid today.

I've been online all day, because I was sooo bored. smiley - sadface Huh.

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 6

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

This is what happens when you don't have a TV.

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 7

Fish's Freak

No, this is what happens when I can't concentrate on my work, and feel unhappy.

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 8


They use mould to make penicil which is a medicin, no worries you'll be fine smiley - smiley

People eat a lot worse!

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 9

Fish's Freak

smiley - erm They use mould to make pencils?

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 10

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Actually, I used to eat pencils and I turned out alright. smiley - smiley

Know know, despite the insanity. smiley - erm

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 11

Fish's Freak

smiley - biggrin Nah, you turned out alright, even when you factor in the insanity.

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 12

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yeah, but it really messed up my typing ability. smiley - erm

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 13

Fish's Freak

Mmm, I've noticed. smiley - tongueout

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 14


Penicilin lol typo! smiley - biggrin

Messing up again... not too bad, though

Post 15

Fish's Freak

smiley - biggrin

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