This is the Message Centre for thankyou for making a simple door very happy

Welcome back...

Post 1

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - cappuccino and smiley - donut?

Welcome back...

Post 2

thankyou for making a simple door very happy

I thoroughly agree with whatever the hell you happen to have meant by a cup of tea and a donut followed by a question mark. I would also like to announce absolutely nothing at all in a very formal and appropriate manner.

Welcome back...

Post 3

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - ok

Welcome back...

Post 4

thankyou for making a simple door very happy

I see we have reached some sort of agreement. I assume from you mostly pictorial communication that you have yet to grasp the fundamentals of the English language, or indeed any language expressable by the Roman alphabet, except for a single conjunction.

Welcome back...

Post 5

thankyou for making a simple door very happy

oops, I mean "your"

Welcome back...

Post 6

Floh Fortuneswell

You're right. English isn't even my first language.

Since I am an ACE and thus bound by the <./>Ace-Code</.> and consequently here to provide a polite and friendly helping hand and since you seem to be a brain the size of a planet (albeit without cookies) I 'd rather say goodbye now smiley - smiley

smiley - footprints

Welcome back...

Post 7

Floh Fortuneswell

ooops: <./>Aces-Code</.>
Sorry smiley - erm

Welcome back...

Post 8

thankyou for making a simple door very happy

Bye then.

Welcome back...

Post 9

Floh Fortuneswell


Welcome back...

Post 10

thankyou for making a simple door very happy

Why are you still here?

Welcome back...

Post 11

Floh Fortuneswell

Remember: I'm an ACE

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