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hello surgeon fab

Post 1


hi i just wanted to tell u about smileys and the code so u can use them

on each one 4 example

on each 1 u put <?????> do biggrin in between them 4 smiley - biggrin
do evilgrin 4 smiley - evilgrin
do brr 4 smiley - brr
do grr 4 smiley - grr
do ta 4 smiley - ta
do skull 4 smiley - skull
do monster 4 smiley - monster
do devil 4 smiley - devil
do wizard 4 smiley - wizard
do tardis 4 smiley - tardis
do disco 4 smiley - disco
do rocket 4 smiley - rocket

WANT 2 NO MORE JUST ASKsmiley - smiley

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hello surgeon fab

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