This is the Message Centre for rubislaw

I'm a Newbie

Post 1


Just found this site and joined. I am an avid researcher and have done serious research on:
The early life of Arthur Ransome and its bearing on "Swallows and Amazons"smiley - smiley
3 Bronze Age sites in Cumbriasmiley - erm
The life and loss of the m/v "Empire Comet" in the Battle of the Atlantic during WWIIsmiley - sadface
The Local History of East Yorkshiresmiley - ok

Currently "testing the water" before venturing into the mysteries of the Languedoc and Cathars.smiley - erm

Anybody else interested in any of the above welcome to get in touch.


I'm a Newbie

Post 2

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

G'day - I've just left you an ACE welcome that should help you find your way around this place.

It's unlikely that anyone will respond to this journal unless they know you as journals are posted to your own space.

What you have there though would probably make a great start for an intro on your personal space smiley - ok

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