This is the Message Centre for Snowbird
Hello Snowbird
GreeboTCat Started conversation Jun 29, 2002
Hi there... and welcome to h2g2... me is an ACE... or Assistant Community Editor here at h2g2... and we try to get round to gret all new people who join the guide... ~grin~
Me see's that Timelord has taken you under his wing... he's a very nice person... and me is sure you are safe with him... in fact he asked me to look into your problem of your conversation from other pages not appearing on your page...
Hmmm... to be honest... me is not sure what is wrong... not being a technical whizz here at h2g2... but me will investigate further and try to find out the fault... sorry for any inconvienance this has caused you... me hopes it is not spoiling your surfing pleasure to much...
Take care...
hugs Greebs..xx
Hello Snowbird
GreyDesk Posted Jun 29, 2002
Hello Snowbird,
Sorry if this sounds a bit patronising, but are you sure that you are hitting the buttons in the right order?
You hit "Reply" to add something to a conversation, at which point up comes a big text box, in a page headed "Post to a Conversation". Then you've two buttons at the bottom; "Preview Message" and "Post Message" to get your message out there. If you hit the later you'll be taken back to the end of the conversation thread where you will see your posting.
Whilst I'm here I might as well direct you to a couple of places of interest. Hit this link here <./>Askh2g2</.> and you'll be taken to the main page where researchers share their knowledge and experiences and general silliness. Once there hit the link that says "Click here to see more Conversations" and you'll see all the threads that are running. Currently there are about 3,600 conversations available in various states activity.
All the best
BureauGris / GreyDesk
*waves to Greebo*
*leaves *
Hello Snowbird
TIMELORD Posted Jun 29, 2002
Hi BureauGris i thought that at first but the message are in the threads it just not in her conversations list it shows up in mine. The thread started by me saying hello did show up at first then vanished. she has left quite a few messages in reply to this and she posted to my poem here as well
Hello Snowbird
GreyDesk Posted Jun 29, 2002
Hmmm... you're quite right there TIMELORD. The only thing I can think of is that Snowbird is inadvertantly unsubscribing to the conversations.
Snowbird, are you hitting the link at the end of the thread that says, "unsubscribe from this conversation"? If you do that will take you to another (rather empty) page that says "you are unsubscribed from this conversation, click here to return...". And hence the conversation doesn't appear in your list of conversations on your space.
If this isn't the case, then frankly you've got me stumped
*leaves another for Greebo*
Hello Snowbird
Snowbird Posted Jun 29, 2002
Thanks for ur msg Greebs, It's nice to know there are friendly me's on h2g2. Sure, I'll check out the betting sometime
Hello Snowbird
GreeboTCat Posted Jun 29, 2002
Hi again Snowbird ~grin~... this conversation is showing up in your list so maybe the problem is sorted... hopefully if you reply to any conversation now... they to will show in you list...
~Greebo starts to wave to GreyDesk... spots the doughnuts and junps on them... eating both with one gulp...~
Oh yummy... that was wonderful... thank you...
Hello Bureaugirls/Greydesk
Snowbird Posted Jun 29, 2002
Thanks for the info I'm going to follow your directions using the links.It's poss. that I did hit a wrong button as I was fumbling through this site. But I'll hopefully pick it up soon. Take it easy....
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Hello Snowbird
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