This is the Message Centre for Snowbird


Post 1


Hello and welcome to h2g2 we are a friendly bunch and like to greet the newcomers so i thought i would stop by and say hello.
We have a group called A.C.E.s there assistant community editors who will drop by and leave a few of these
They are very helpful like that but until one drops by if there is anything that you would like just reply to this message or drop by my homepage by clicking on my name and ask me there.
I would also like to point out that my one and only desent poem is in this weeks post(The H2G2 newspaper)here


Post 2


Hello, Thanks for your "Hello". I didn't see it as I'm so busy figuring out how this site works! LOL I don't have a clue but guess I did something right! Does this site work like a chat-site? Where did you see my Introduction? I couldn't even find myself on here... Lol But I'll check out your poem in a mo...smiley - smiley


Post 3

essex guy

hello hope u have a good time on h2g2.
i am male 33 from england (essex) smiley - smiley


Post 4


I found you because i looked on the Who's on line link and you have a New this week next to you so i droped by to welcome you.
You can find you own page by clicking on the my space link or on your name at the top of any message that you have sent.
This site work in many ways we have chats and write storys play games quizs there is no place like this anywere else the only trouble with this is the site is very big.So i guess you should do what you like best if you want to use this as a chat site there are plenty of people to chat with.If you feel like writing something for the newspaper or the edited guide there is plenty of help to get you started and if you you feel like joining in the games and quizs don't forget the one in the post i write it.

Your msg

Post 5


Hi there, thanks for ur post. I'm still figuring this out here, sorry it took me so long to reply. I'm hoping too that I'll enjoy h2g2, but I'll have to understand it first!!smiley - smiley

Your msg

Post 6


This is not an instant reply kind of site it can take quite a while to reply sometimes i have been checking my replys quite a lot tonight so i have kept up with you but it is not unheard of to take a few days to reply on here so don't be sorry about it taking 15 minutes.

Ur msg

Post 7


Thanks for the info. Should I have kept my Introduction to a simple "Hi" rather than writing a biography? "My Space" is the only thing I can find on this site just now, so I'd better keep browsing, eh? I did check out your account of Desiderata in the Post. Good work! Take it easy.. P.S. Are you the same TIMELORD from LeisureDistrict??

Ur msg

Post 8


Your space is what you make of it some people like to keep themself to themselfs a little but on the hole i would sy keep it the way it is.
I have been around the intnet a bit but i am only one of many TIMELORDS and have never been on Leisure District site.
Finding your way around can be hard at first just remember that any name at the top of a message will take you to that persons page try looking up mine then search the guide for things that you like using the search engine.
If you should read something you like feel free to click on the persons name and read there homepage that might take you to new people as well.

Ur msg

Post 9


Thanks for the info. I don't want to bother you, but may I ask why I can only see 8 posts when I have 22 noted? Any ideas?
So you're a big sci-fi fan. I'm not really, although I liked the Star Trek Cafe in Las Vegas... It was phenomenal, with all the characters walking around and serving. My brother knew them all from Star Trek, but I was fascinated by their "life" form. Have you ever been?

Ur msg

Post 10


Well i am in England and have never been accross to the States but i have been to a star trek barr over here in London i had a great time there.
I am not sure what is happening with the messages at first i thought it might bee one of two things:you were clicking on the preview link by mistake(it happens i have done it myself)or the messages were to the same conversation but you wrote the one to my poem and that as not come up on you page so i am at a lose it has never happend before as far as i know i will have someone look into it.

Ur msg

Post 11


Again, Thanks! I moved from Leisure District due to my usernames being hacked into, so hope it has nothing to do with that.

Ur msg

Post 12


It could just be a local problem with this site there always changing little bits here an there it can course some small problems.

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