A Conversation for H2G2 Jukebox (Under New Management!)

think you missed one

Post 1


my favorite is CAKE! CAKE is cool and can be found at www.cakemusic.com

think you missed one

Post 2

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

ok, i'll put it in.
smiley - reindeer

think you missed one

Post 3

Mr. Carrot

Damn, Tacysa, I was about to say that we needed CAKE... Still, he hasn't put up CAKE yet, and while I'm at it. You might want to add in

Span: www.span.mu
Tool: www.toolband.com
Nine Inch Nails: www.nin.com
Dream Theater: www.dreamtheater.net
Soul Coughing used to have a website at: www.soulcoughing.com
Come Shine: www.comeshine.com
Blur: www.blur.co.uk
Motorpsycho: www.stickman-records.de/motorpsycho.html

I've got loads more too... but I'll leave it at this for now...

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