This is the Message Centre for Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Bordem At Work

Post 1

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

For the last 3 days I have fallen asleep at work. I don't think anyone has noticed, yet.

Today however it seems that I am not the only one finding the place a little boring. My supervisor has been yawning, and told me that he is going to have a quiet weekend, and has mentioned how bored he is.

If he only knew that I was falling asleep when he mentioned it, and that I have been waging a constant war between the evils of work, and the light side of sleeping. Funny how the good side comes through, even it being at the wrong time.

Bordem At Work

Post 2

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

I know I posted this 3 times, but I was bored I tell uouuy..

In fact I am so bored I think I might just kill the writing this.

Bordem At Work

Post 3

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

God I must have been tired, that made perfect sense when typed it before. But I tell you, I am so bloody bored it's not funny.

I think my saving grace this afternoon is that my driving instructor is going to be picking my up at work at 4:50pm, and I am going to drive home in fairly pick hour traffic. Oh joy. smiley - smiley

Boredom At Work

Post 4

47318 - I am a number not a free man

I need to do a bit of catching up on my sleep - my office here is too busy to fall asleepDo you mind if I pop over and catch a few z's?

AndyF smiley - smileysmiley - fish

Boredom At Work

Post 5

Jonny Zoom

Hey Garibaldi, are your anxiety and depression related to the obvious dullness of your job? Are you being hard on yourself for not achievong, when in reality there is nothing to achieve?

Just a thought.

Boredom At Work

Post 6

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Thanks Jonny Zoom for the idea, but my stress and anxiety attacks have pretty much cleared up. It's not work, I know that, but actually when I got my new job, I did have an attack, but my counsellor is so pleased with me, that I no longer have to go see her. smiley - smiley

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