This is the Message Centre for Researcher 25707

It happens

Post 1

Researcher 25707

On Monday I woke up just like a normal personl walked to my lectures and attended all..
Hoad lunch and after my totally normal day i whent to the computer rm to do so work..

After a normal day you wouldn't belive that i felt pain so i took some pain killers, the pain didn't go
i took more.. the pain didn't go.....

so I whent to sick bay after all the drugs i was felling kinda dizzy
the nurse cheched me in and put me to bed i till was felling pain..

Now the pain was not going and so the nurse dialed 999 help was on the way..

At the hospital the docto gave me some more drug and i slept the pain away

This is just a note to say anything can happen cause it happend to me..

all was well..... I was born with sickle cell... so I do get pain on and off

just to say even when i tick the day is to be norm... sometimes it just don't


Take care

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