This is the Message Centre for Quille the cynic...TC

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 1

Quille the cynic...TC

Hello my lovely people! OR rather not mine, since I don't own any of you and what not. I give you permission to be yourselves, unless you aren't strange, in which case I shall wonder why I know you and you shouldn't be yourself. You should be someone else. A strange someone else. Like Kurt Vonnegut.

smiley - biggrin Ting-a-ling! and as the Vonnegut says: 'Semicolons do nothing, they are transvestite hermaphrodites.' Go world!

All this is so exciting it makes me smile. It makes my heart go aflutter!

For those of you that don't know: I just arrived back from London. Amazing! Loverly! I smiley - love you Brits. Hey, I love you Aussies and Americans and hell, I love the lot of you, too!

I am trying to attempt a comeback (somewhat) to hootoo, where I've come back to find, pleasantly, that I'm still an ACE. This return was recently spawned by Andy's e-mail to me asking when I was coming back, so if you find me terribly annoying and breathed a sigh of relief when I disappeared, go yell at Owly! smiley - laugh No, only kidding about you yelling at my papa, he's the best and it would be wrong to make him at yell at himself! Kill me instead! smiley - tongueout

Ok. So, if you have a post I should look at, you know the drill. Tell me about it, and I'll go a-running to it. I probably will start deleting threads, because I need to get a fresh start, so if anyone wants to peruse my threads and tell me the ones they'd like me to look at, or those I should delete (mainstream ones are going, most likely) that'd be fantabulous. Or not. As you wish. I also plan a complete reconstruction of my page smiley - laugh. Plans are much easier than action, though. This would require a mass amount of time, which I may not get for about five more weeks when school ends! *jumps with joy*

And tell me about any news! I'm completely out of the loop, and reading everyone's spaces is gonna take some time. I read Katie's column and love it, so I want to know anything anyone wants to tell me. (Also any cool people I should meet, would be nice to know of).

Right. I've got to do more homework. Terrible, really. I may be adding some entries here soon, too.

Happy late easter and any other Holidays I may have forgotten and/or missed! Thanks for taking the time to read this terrible journal, and yes, I am hyperactive at the moment, for what reason, I don't know. smiley - smiley
smiley - hugsmiley - lovesmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

smiley - elf needing to see the smileys soon

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Welcome back I've missed you

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 3

Quille the cynic...TC

And I've missed you! It's feebly isn't it? Not feebily..darn! School is counterproductive to learning.
What do the colors on the spy society mean? How have you been?
smiley - elf

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm ok, I haven't been aroung the spies much I got involved with Stargate Command A975341 it's fun

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

Hi Quille I missed you alot, I hope you are keeping well. Travelling always makes me feel tired, even thinking about it wears me out.smiley - biggrin


Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 6


Hi Quille! I've just arrived back from London as well, though in my case it was a 1 and a half hour train journey!, lovely city, what struck me was that the north bank of the thames from south bank was one of the most beautiful city sights I've seen, and I've been to Venice, Paris, Florence, Rome and Athens, (and many other places)

How did you find London? Nice to see you back safe and sound...

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 7

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Hi, Megan, good to see you back here, as well as spotting you lurking around Net Junkies! smiley - hug

I've vamped up my page a bit, go and look! smiley - bigeyes

Andy's pattern of posting has completely changed, now that he has his own facility at home. He's less prone to the twelve-hour postfest these days, preferring to spread himself about a bit! smiley - winkeye

A big smiley - ta for keeping in touch while you have been out of the loop, I would have worried, had you not!

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 8

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Hi, Megan, good to see you back here, as well as spotting you lurking around Net Junkies! smiley - hug

I've vamped up my page a bit, go and look! smiley - bigeyes

Andy's pattern of posting has completely changed, now that he has his own facility at home. He's less prone to the twelve-hour postfest these days, preferring to spread himself about a bit! smiley - winkeye

A big smiley - ta for keeping in touch while you have been out of the loop, I would have worried, had you not!

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 9

Crazy Man

Missed ya Quille! smiley - monstersmiley - hug Glad you're back smiley - smiley

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 10


Good to see you're back.

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 11


yes i can see its all wy fault yes i e-mailed you meg so everyone can shoot me not he he !!! glad to see you back hun as you can see you have been missed smiley - biggrin

andy (quille hootoo papa)smiley - bat

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 12

Quille the cynic...TC

Reefgirl that's crazy! My parents worked in a Government installation in Cheyenne mountain before we moved! Sounds quite fun, though oh 3rd in command smiley - biggrin

Hey Kat, I've missed you too! Everything turn out all right with no sun? Travelling isn't too bad for me, don't think I have a functioning body clock! smiley - hug WAke up smiley - winkeye

Hey Z, I misspelled feebly didn't I? smiley - blush Yes, it is quite a lovely city with such gorgeous sights everywhere in all the nooks and crannies... Paris might nearly make it to par..or perhaps the Tuscan hillside, but God! They are gorgeous. smiley - smiley

Did Ben ever get to tell you about the rejections?

Susie: May inquire what CB is? OR perhaps I should read your space first before I ask...jeje you found me!
smiley - hug you had me come back to thank you. I forgot what I was missing! I shall go have a gander at your space as well...
Good good a wider variety of papa! smiley - sorry I haven't been in touch that often.

CM: Heya! How's it going? smiley - hug glad to be back!

smiley - laugh Thank you Skullock

Papa: And what's AS...I really will have to look at your spaces smiley - biggrin Fine by me! smiley - hug pappy smiley - love ya. Thankee smiley - smiley

(smiley - sorry it took me so long to reply to these: there was a storm and the DSL sort of shut itself down. Terrible commotion...)

smiley - elf off to ganer at new and improved hootoo

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 13

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Hey, Meg! smiley - hug

CB and AS will have to wait for email, I think! smiley - winkeye

Just nonsense, if you'd believe that of us? smiley - angelsmiley - angel

smiley - sillysmiley - weirdsmiley - laughsmiley - nahnah

Good to see you posting in Net Junkies again, too!

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 14

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Hey, Meg! smiley - hug

CB and AS will have to wait for email, I think! smiley - winkeye

Just nonsense, if you'd believe that of us? smiley - angelsmiley - angel

smiley - sillysmiley - weirdsmiley - laughsmiley - nahnah

Good to see you posting in Net Junkies again, too!

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 15

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - laugh That naughty, eh? smiley - winkeye
You two could never come up with something nonsensical! Never! smiley - sillysmiley - laugh
*wonders if the allusion to Net Junkies is to get her there at this moment*
smiley - elf off to look

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 16

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersQuille the weather is improving at last and last it is getting sunnier and the days longer.smiley - cool Here are some smiley - cappuccinosmiley - cappuccino, I am also a member of Stargate and its great fun.smiley - biggrin


Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

Quille I am very sorry to hear about the storms.smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle


Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 18


meg how can you think that of me and susiesmiley - winkeye

ASsmiley - bat

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 19

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

I'm glad you were able to reply to that, Andy.

I was speechless!

smiley - laugh

Alive and kicking (well feebily moving my leg in that direction anyhow)

Post 20


you speechless never he he!!

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