This is the Message Centre for kanyonatic


Post 1

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

hello there just wanted 2 drop u a few lines smiley - biggrin
i take it ur from ld as well?
corrrr every1 seems 2 b getting on here from ld now smiley - smiley
so how do u feel about the way ld is going to change?
hope 2 hear from u soon
smiley - biggrin


Post 2


hi do you use that name on LD or a different one?i`m still on there but i`ll see what the free months like but if i get 6050`d all the time i won`t be paying £5 a month!i think it`s bad that pc users won`t be able to use it also americans too so i`ll miss talking to many people how do you feel about it? i go under the name of CHRISKANYON on LD or any name associated with kanyon

talk soon


Post 3

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

hiya hun smiley - hug
well i dont think its fair that we have 2 pay an extra £3 2 b abused by ppl in adult chat!
n yet the last few months they have been trying to stop all the abuse by barring ppl.smiley - steam
as far as i can work out there isnt going to be ne 6050 its going to b more like the speed of a pc (lol believe that wen i c it) smiley - wow
iv heard 2day tho that a u/name cant be longer than 12 characters.smiley - headhurts
my u/name on ld is

hope 2 chat 2 u soon hun
take care
smiley - cuddle


Post 4


hi seen you around LD but have obiviously not talked to you probably due to 6050!!whenever i tried to reply to someone i ended up being booted out.i`ll have to write down all my pals on pal pilot as you have to start again.i`ve a bad memory as it is without that.

what you into? music?films?reading?tv? talk later

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