This is the Message Centre for Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

First day at H2G2

Post 1

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

So today is my first day here at H2G2. After having seen mention of this site several times in the Late Douglas Adams' latest(/last) book, Salmon of Doubt, I decided it must be worth a gander. Now, after having waded through a minimal amount of the wealth of material contained within, I've come to one firm conclusion: I'm completely and utterly lost.

It's not a matter of not knowing what I'm looking at, or the individual aspects contained within. It's more of the complete mass of information that I've tried to absorb within the first few hours of my arrival. Singularly I can understand and grasp the concepts of a Scout, or an ACE. It's when I try to manage the idea of a Guide Entry, an Edited guide entry, an Alternative Guide, an Edited Alternative Guide(?).

So as a result, I've decided to start slow. My first step, give myself a Nick name. Something to identify me as anything other than a number. Finding this conveniently located in the preferences, an area I was quick to find, as we all know that I simply can't make do with the default settings. While there I also found a different skin to use, again, I had to just because it wasn't the default (besides, it's kinda interesting).

The next step was to write an introduction to myself. Well that's always a duanting feat for virtually anybody. And considering the content of this site I quickly realized it would have to be something informative, yet interesting; serious, yet witty; pointed, yet.. well you get the jist... contrasting. So, after some deliberation, I managed to come up with a desirable self-portrait. Well, shortly after setting my self introduction, I was rather surprized to see that somebody had left a reply to it. I must admit, the title of the post caught my attention rather tightly; In friendly, large, well rather regular type font, were the words "Don't panic...". In a furry of clicks and flying mouse cursors, I opened the remark, quick to see what someone said. There, in simple font, were the words "You've been aced." Having earlier read that an ACE is someone who assists other users with familiarizing themselves with the H2G2 site, my first thoughts were "Did I sign up to be an ACE inadvertantly?" Further reading of the message naturally explained that I had been, more or less, assigned to an ACE.

From that message I found some informative links to various "help", and I use the term loosely, files within, and regarding, the H2G2 site. These links would become the beginning of my vast confusion. Did I want to be an ACE after all? Maybe a Scout finding interesting and informative entries? If a Scout, be it one for the Edited Guide, or for AGG/GAG? What exactly did AGG/GAG stand for anyways? Maybe I'd be better suited as a writer? The vast amount of question lead to few answers and more questions.

Finally, I realized I must stop. Getting lost in the whole sub-cyberspace that exists within H2G2 would be too difficult to free myself without the aid of a visit to the ICU ward, and many months of intensive psycho-therapy. That's what's lead me to start small, to the Journal. Perhaps writing down my thoughts, my confusion and my experience would help to clear the air, or more specificly the air between my ears, and allow me to find some much needed direction. And, just possibly, it will allow others to know they aren't the only one's who didn't hit the site running, or typing for that matter.

But now, it is time for me to once again venture forth into this great wealth of information. Forunately I know that if I ever do lose myself again, I will also have "My Space" to return to.

-- Carnel

First day at H2G2

Post 2

ametropia (Muse of linux chicks, Keeper of lost file fragments)

You were certainly right about this site being interesting. There's so much to take in that I haven't figured it all out yet considering I've been here for... lets see... 20 minutes, but hey, I'll figure it out smiley - winkeye

- ametropia

First day at H2G2

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi carnel..smiley - smiley..thank you for the interesting insight into your first day..i hope it will be the first of many days..there are lots of us ACEs'..all willing..and most able to help you..if you need any help..smiley - biggrin..i see your interseted in writing for the guide you might find this link useful..Writing Guidelines..@ A53209 ..hope you enjoy yourself here..

hi ametropia..i've just ACEd you..smiley - smiley..

smiley - rose

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