This is the Message Centre for Zim- I hate AOL


Post 1


finally, somebody who is into jhonen. maybe you would know about this rumor that jhonen is coming out with more johnny comics. if you know the answer to this, please post it.


Post 2

Zim- I hate AOL

sorry I'm a little late on the response. no I'm not sure if he is but that would be AWESOME. I hope so post me if you find out.

More JtHM books

Post 3

Ol Dyas - I'm back

In several interviews I've read, Jhonen Vasquez has said he would like to do more "Johnny The Homicidal Maniac" books, if he can find time. For example: .

Do you like "Invader Zim"?

- Ol Dyas


Post 4

Ol Dyas - I'm back

I think it would be probably harder to come up with a dumber question.

And on ...

Post 5

Ol Dyas - I'm back

If you know what I mean, and I'm sure that you do.

And on ...

Post 6

Quille the cynic...TC

Zim is off air here! Aww btw Ol Dyas please post an intro to your user space so that someone can ACE you...
smiley - elf

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