This is the Message Centre for Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 61

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

Yes indeed

elfysmiley - elf

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 62

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Eesh, you have no 'net at home and still manage to reply quicker than me.. smiley - blush

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 63

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)


Elfy smiley - elf

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 64

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Well sometimes, I suppose...
smiley - biggrin How's you?

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 65

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

Well, Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive and remotely well. yourself?

Elfy smiley - elf

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 66

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh I'm pretty well.. End-of-term depression a bit..
I hope things are alright with you.. What's been going on?
:D Enjoy your winter break and Happy Holidays! smiley - winkeye
(watch now you're going to reply really quickly and I'll look like a goof for writing this.. ;P )

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 67

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

Um, not really...
and its summer hols here.
Elf smiley - elf

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 68

Pete *not quite dead yet*

SUMMER? smiley - bigeyes Are you from S. America?
And here I sit freezing my behind off in the cold. smiley - laugh

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 69

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

Try Australia
+ you would hate it. it reached 40 C here the other day

Elfy smiley - elf

Hullo Elf Lord!

Post 70

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Ah, Australia..
right on smiley - smiley
that's.. hot, right?
sorry, i live in a fahrenheit world..

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