This is the Message Centre for Elf Lord Dante (Scout)


Post 1

Elf Lord Dante (Scout)

I sit here alone, techno music playing. Nothing but the light of a monitor to hold my sight.Out the window I see trees, a streetlight, and ,far in the distance, the office buildings of north Sydney, and as I sit here, I wonder. I wonder at many things, but mostly, how I feel so alone, when there are people so close? When I look out the window it seems as if I could reach out and touch the buildings, but I cant. Why? I wonder. How can we be so close, so intouch, and yet still have teenagers feel the way I do? Well? Can anyone answer me? No, didn’t think so.
You bleed just to know your alive.
Damn right. You feel so alone, so numb, that you cut yourself, just to see if it hurts. And people tell you…. We have all been through it, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It’ll get better. Well it sure doesn’t seem it. And the light at the end of the tunnels probably an oncoming train.



Post 2

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - hug

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