A Conversation for Quest for the most beatiful music (phrase, arrangement, song, whatever) in history.

music to die for.

Post 1

The day walker

why not try unicorn jones, for more info visit my homepage.smiley - smiley

music to die for.

Post 2


Roy Harper - 'Me and My Little Woman', or 'Tom Tiddlers Ground', or 'North Country', or 'One Man Rock and Roll Band', or 'When an Old Cricketer Leaves the Crease' or.......I better stop there, I could just go on and on. Remeber, this is my music to die for, Roy is definatly an aquired taste, I have heard him described as 'whiney', but my mother is wrong, he is a genius.

music to die for.

Post 3

Lady MacBeth

Beethoven's 'Ode to joy' makes me want to run around being madly cheerful.

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