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and they all lived happilly ever after

Post 1

esoteric epigram

i've also been thinking about knowing things and interests. it must be part of the human condition to enjoy a sensation of belonging, obviously, but also a sense of genuine knowledge, history, of having seen something from the begining and know it entirely, albeit a freindship or a television series or a genre or music. anything i like i often feel like i'm joining the race too late, like i'm out of depth.

the internet is scary in its infiniteness, so people form managable groups with their own codes and ways which noly members know and understand the significance of. no matter how unintentional any group becomes a clique soon enough. i read in the guardian that people naturally form societies up to a hundred people. h2g2 seems almost as unfathomable as the internet as a whole. since i don't venture out there much these days, except to places i've been before. theres too much h2g2 out there for me to find my own niches, and too many already forged relationships that i cannot hope to compare to. no matter how good my intentions i find myself afraid of rejection and the unknown.


and they all lived happilly ever after

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I started out here with exactly the same feeling.

But I have yet to be rejected by anyone here, over 2 years on.

You are welcome, do please jump in with both smiley - footprints

smiley - biggrin

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