This is the Message Centre for Ragged Dragon


Post 1

Ragged Dragon

Off now for the long weekend of Lammastide. Back on Tuesday, probably, and going by what happened last time, it'll take me a while to clear the backlog of posts from the many and various sites I run, moderate or participate in.

Last time I went away, I came back to more than 500 emails, and a couple of hundred posts just on h2g2.

If I don't reply, it's because I am not here smiley - smiley

Seasonal blessings to everyone.

Jez - Magpie Kindred


Post 2

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

A blessed lammas-tide to you and the kindred. Having just returned from the homeland I have quite a lot to talk to you about upon your return.

Until then,
Matholwch /|\.


Post 3

Ragged Dragon

I have returned from both Lammas at Eala Bhan and post-Lammas in Derbyshire smiley - smiley

And I still have the rest of the month before I have to think about going back to w**k.


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