This is the Message Centre for Ragged Dragon

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 1

Ragged Dragon

Starting again, and aimong to get rid of another stone.

I am 75.5 kg at the moment.

And counting.

Jez - thinning heathen and witch with won't power

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 2


smiley - ok

I'm well into 'stage one' now so we can keep each other company.

smiley - smiley


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 3

Ragged Dragon

Happy days, az. Today I am mainly eating - salad smiley - smiley

Tomorrow I shall be trying to eat sensibly, but I am at Avebury for the weekend, so I am reliant on what I can het form others - and what they provide - I will not be rude to a host, and they don't know me well, so I might even have to eat peas or beetroot ...

Jez - going for a bath

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 4

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

You girls are going to waste away smiley - sadface.

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 5



Anyhow, I didn't lose any more weight this week (so far). And my big times plans for riding my bike and doing lots of exercise this weekend are now totally F**KED because I seriously hurt my lower back this morning whilst (don't laugh!) stepping into my knickers!!! There was sudden excruciating pain and I immediately had to lie down for awhile until it subsided a bit.

smiley - wah

The best laid plans of mice and women . . .


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 6

Ragged Dragon

az and Math

>Anyhow, I didn't lose any more weight this week (so far).

Nor did I - in fact I may have put some on - the Red Lion is not the most diet-friendly pub, and working ritual that intensely made us all crave junk food smiley - sadface

>And my big times plans for riding my bike and doing lots of exercise this weekend are now totally F**KED because I seriously hurt my lower back this morning whilst (don't laugh!) stepping into my knickers!!!

Why can't I laugh? Oh, all right then... the gods move in mysterious ways, my friend - perhaps you should go out for a walk or a ride, maybe you are meant to meet somebody while exercising - gently.

>There was sudden excruciating pain and I immediately had to lie down for awhile until it subsided a bit.

Look after yourself, my dear - if you lie around too much, Lua will walk all over you...

>The best laid plans of mice and women . . .

Are apt to be b*ggered up by life's other agendas.

Like me today, with the bl**dy migraine, which I seriously thought I had beaten.

Jez the washed-out witch.

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 21st 2004

Post 7



Well, okay, laugh then! smiley - winkeye

Of course, the most frustrating thing is that I have most of this week off because of the spring fair and last weekend was totally gorgeous - and I was stuck indoors going OUCH. Today is a holiday and I have no classes on Friday and I can't ride my bike! smiley - wah

And no, I can't lie around too much. In fact, lying down is one of my most uncomfortable positions. Ho hum.

Is your migraine gone? Pobrecita! smiley - hug I'm one of those really annoying people who has never had even a slight headache in all their life so I can only imagine (well, I can't, actually) what a migraine must feel like. Perhaps like my backpain but in one's head?

Meanwhile, until my back is better I will be comfort eating and quaffing liquid muscle relaxant.


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 27th 2004

Post 8

Ragged Dragon


>Meanwhile, until my back is better I will be comfort eating and quaffing liquid muscle relaxant.<


You'll just put on all you want to take off, and some!

Water and plain gruel, girl, water and plain gruel!!

Jez - not so washed out, but miserable at work

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 27th 2004

Post 9



yeah right,

as if!


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 27th 2004

Post 10

Ragged Dragon


Jez - 75 kg and counting

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 27th 2004

Post 11

Ragged Dragon


74.5 kg and counting


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - April 27th 2004

Post 12


smiley - ok Good for you!

Mind you, I never count half-kilos myself. I can lose or gain up to two kilos almost overnight so I usually wait until I get past the two kilo mark to start counting and then keep counting (hopefully downwards) in twos.

I haven't weighed myself all week. Too scared. The bad back brought on a massive comforting eating-and-drinking attack. And of course, was not able to move much.

Well never mind, bought a second Pilates dvd this afternoon so this weekend I should be able to start getting into that seriously.


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 8th 2004

Post 13

Ragged Dragon


Half a kilo is more than a pound smiley - smiley

Anyway, I haven't weighed myself this morning...

Hang in there while I go and do that...

Still 74.5 so that's ok smiley - smiley

Ate junk food and an indian take-away last night and drank good red wine and mead with a friend. Going out to Lincoln today after we have fetched the flour from Green's Mill (organic spelt flour ground at a local windmill smiley - smiley)


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 14

Ragged Dragon


Still 74 kg - not really winning smiley - smiley

Don't really care smiley - smiley

As long as I don't put any back on - and I can't say I've been counting recently smiley - smiley

I have eaten a hel of a lot of chocolate recently smiley - smiley

But no Pringles smiley - smiley

This weekend, I am actually at home, and going to do the garden smiley - smiley

Jez - not Jessica or Jemima smiley - smiley ROFLOL

Seriously, how many guesses do you think it will take dear Della or Annie (Hey, that's DoA) to get close to my real name?

Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 15


honestly, that woman digs a deeper hole evertime she opens her mouth.

'Oh, I cannot imagine what I ever said to get Jez mad at me!'


Did you get my msn invitation?


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 16

Ragged Dragon

the new msn doesn't work on my old mac, and the one msn keeps trying to upgrade itself - I had to take it out.

I have Yahoo messenger, and the chat room we were in last time


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 17


it's just that msn or yahoo are already there - so it's an easy access thing - you could get on my yahoo thingy if you like


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 18

Ragged Dragon

I've emailed you smiley - smiley


Ten Year Diet Stage 2 - May 14th 2004

Post 19




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