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Post 1

Ragged Dragon

Or Spring Evennight smiley - smiley

I was at Avebury. In Wiltshire.

During the weekend, I met friends, played with children, rolled eggs down a henge and was given divination runes in exchange, (I got TIW), went on a litter pick at Silbury Hill, walked the Ridgeway, offered weapons to Wayland at his Smithy, visited the Horse at Uffington, ate icecream in the snow, sang to wights in the barrow at West Kennet and Wayland's, took part in an unofficial Bardic Competition, sang a protest song about Stanton Moor, drank too much, laughed a lot, was given a holly staff (on loan) to take to Arbor Low in Derbyshire, gave gifts, received gifts, talked to friends about the gods, talked to gods about friends, was rained on, hailed on, sunned on, winded on, given a guided tour around the henge at Avebury, ate scones and sandwiches, saw three car accidents, got stuck in a long queue and escaped (with Loki's aid), and greeted the sun twice at dawn.

What did /you/ do?

Jez - heathen and witch


Post 2


Hey - you showing off again??? smiley - winkeye


Basically dick on a stick. Which was somewhat annoying because it was such a gorgeous weekend. But I'm glad you had such a lovely time.

smiley - smiley



Post 3

Ragged Dragon

az, my dear, you need to find some pagans - your life needs life smiley - smiley



Post 4

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Jez,

I am green with envy! I was supposed to be down there with the Order of the Yew, but family matters interfered.

Matholwch /|\.


Post 5

Ragged Dragon

And who might I know in the Order of the Yew?

OrionDruid was there, as was Emma RO... and Arthur, with the Warband



Post 6

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

The Order of the Yew is the ritual group of the Druid Network, so you would know Emma, it's chief.

Matholwch /|\.


Post 7

Ragged Dragon

Ah - but although I have met her, I would not claim to know her smiley - smiley As I have met Arthur, but would not claim to know him smiley - smiley

I am but a poor benighted heathen, unused to your druidic ways and arcane doings smiley - smiley

I am also going to Wales on a Stones trip this coming weekend, so I'll be off again, az smiley - smiley

Then the weekend after that I am in Ross with the Sceptic, and then who knows?


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