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The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 1

Ragged Dragon

Well, it took longer than I expected, but here I am - 75 kg for two days running, and the first target reached.

Now I need to carry on until I get to a nice buffer weight - I am not going to do this twice in ten years smiley - smiley

Jez - thinning heathen and (BMI = 25) witch with won't power

The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 2

Researcher 556780

Welldone smiley - biggrin, do you mind my asking if you did a particular diet or regime of exercise, or did you do it yourself gradually by changing your lifestyle?

Vix - always onna diet smiley - erm and successfully failing!

The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 3

Ragged Dragon

M Vix

Hi there - well, if you go look at my journal page, and scroll down to the first entry, it's all described.

But basically, I counted calories.

Eat 1000 calories less than you need each day (and I have included the method for working out what you need to stay the same) and you lose 1 kilogram a week.

I dieted for five weeks and lost 6 kg smiley - smiley

This is what comes of being a mathematician smiley - smiley

And a witch with won't power smiley - smiley

Jezreell - who only does this every ten years or so.

The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 4

Researcher 556780

Yes calories are a good way of counting as is watching your carb intake just that I'm not very good at either and have utmost awe and respect at people who can and succeed in their weight loss goals.

Basically I'm good at watching what I eat as I lift it up to me mouth smiley - biggrin

One day I shall be slim and svelte again!

Congratulations to yourself, are you going to reward yourself with something?

The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 5

Ragged Dragon


You mean smug self-satisfaction isn't enough?

smiley - smiley

Seriously, the way my body feels is its own reward. As the weight drops and the skin firms, as the clothes lose their tightness and you realise you are beginning to look first ok, then good, from the back, even in /those/ jeans, I just feel so good.

And it's spring. My Lady is summoning the Hunt for its final assaults on the winter, Her victory month is now upon us, and I am full of joy in so many ways.

Except going back to work on Monday...

Jez - thinning heathen and witch with won't power

The Ten Year Diet - 19 02 04

Post 6

Researcher 556780

smiley - envysmiley - winkeye

Sigh, my diet starts again on Monday....smiley - ok

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