This is the Message Centre for Ragged Dragon

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 1

Ragged Dragon

Bl**dy periods.

Water-retention AND salt cravings...

And I still have a tube of bl**dy pringles in the house...

Well, half a tube of bl**dy pringles...

Jez - feeling miserable and Monday-ish

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 2

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Cheer up chuckie egg. If it makes you feel better send me the half-tube of Pringles smiley - ok. Or you could put the Pringles in a bowl, grate up some cheese and sprinkle it over them. Then microwave for 30 seconds or until the cheese melts.

Eat with pickled onions and a nice glass of bitter shandy - yum.

Always here to help smiley - winkeye.

Matholwch /|\.

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 3

Ragged Dragon

Ye gods, Math, that sounds good...



PS - I got Littleraven on to Chants - is s/he any good?

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 4

Ragged Dragon

Mind you, pickled onions are OK - almost no calories and even I can't eat too many of them smiley - smiley

Jez - desperate dieter and pringlaholic

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 5

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Jez smiley - biggrin.

Did you hear that when Dr.Atkins (of Diet fame) died he was clinically obese smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - rofl. Oh I am cruel... and fat.

So you've signed up Captain Beaky huh? Are you sure you know what you are in for. He is an old, dear friend, but he can be an irritating bastard if you don't understand where he is coming from (and you are welcome to tell him I said that if you wish).

As for his poetry, well I've never seen any, so I shall be waiting with breath baited and a catch net for my dropping jaw.

Matholwch /|\.

Just hoping that there is enough of you to hug next time we meet!

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 6


I just read that someplace else about Dr. Aitkens. What a scream!

Pringles covered in hot melted cheese? Pringles nachos? My god(s) - what a concept.

Yesterday I was having a class with one of my doctor students and he asked me if my back was still bothering me. When I said that, yes, it did sometimes HE SAID - 'Well, you know, you should probably lose some weight'.

This man is lucky to be alive, that's all I can say.

smiley - cross

FAT az

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 7

Ragged Dragon

OK then, az and Math - what's your BMI????

(weight in kilograms) divided by (height in metres, multiplied by itself)

Mine is still 25.5 ish...

Just a bit too much...

Those bl**dy Pringles are still in the kitchen.
So is the cheese and the microwave...

jez - thinning heathen, honest, and witch still desperately hanging on to what is left of her won't power...

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 8

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

A quick calculation brings mine out at 37.3. Is that bad? I haven't got a clue....smiley - biggrin

All you need now is a little dash of Worcestershire Sauce on the cheese before you melt it over the Pringles and ..... heaven on earth.

You can also mix mayonnaise with the grated cheese before heating it to and Pringle Rarebit!

Matholwch /|\.

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 9


I don't even know what BMI is. As for how much I weigh, totally TOP SECRET.

Meanwhile I think I've done quite well to have not smoked for an entire month now without gaining any weight at all - not even half a pound. So there!

However, there are still those pesky extra 30 pounds I would like to be rid of . . .


The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 10


Oops, only just saw now that you actually said how to work out BMI - will do this right now!!!

smiley - blush


The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 11


What does 'multiplied by itself' mean? Multiplied by which self where?

az the mathematically challenged

(not to mention chubby)

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 12

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Az smiley - biggrin

Your height multiplied by your height. i.e. my height is 1.8m so I multiplied 1.8 x 1.8. OK?

Pretty arcane huh?

Matholwch /|\.

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 13



Well, WHY didn't she just say Height x 2???

smiley - biggrin


The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 14

Ragged Dragon


>>Well, WHY didn't she just say Height x 2???<<

'Cos it's not height x 2 - it's height times itself, height times height smiley - smiley

Jez - the mathematically literate smiley - smiley If that's a phrase smiley - smiley

Mine is 76 รท (1'73 x 1.73) = 25.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333...

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 15


smiley - yikes

One more number for the TOP SECRET file!

Do I at least get a discount for having big bones???

az the massively obese smiley - wah

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 16

Ragged Dragon


>>Do I at least get a discount for having big bones???<<


You'll just have to grow a few inches...

I tried that...

It didn't work.

Math - are you sure it's 37.3? That would mean you weighed - er - quite a lot more than you look as if you do...

Jez - 76 kg and 1.73 m tall

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 17

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Jez,

In human terms I am 19 stone. I too have big bones and a heavy frame. I was 6' at age 12 and have had a 44" chest for nigh on 25 years. My ideal weight would be 15 stone. I know that because that was my weight when I was fit and playing hockey for the Navy.

Just goes to show that these clever little formulae are just trite nonsense as they generalise too much.

Blessings on your quest for boniness smiley - biggrin

Craig /|\.

The Ten Year Diet - 09 02 04

Post 18

Ragged Dragon


>>Blessings on your quest for boniness <<

I don't want to be bony smiley - smiley I just want t get back in to my clothes, cos it's cheaper and less embarassing (sp?) than buyint new ones smiley - smiley

I like being rounded, just not round...

Jez - thinning heathen looking at a rather nicely patchy yellow ceiling smiley - smiley

I might do the walls the same colour, if I have enough pictures to make sure it doesn't look as if I have drowned in custard smiley - smiley

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