This is the Message Centre for Ragged Dragon


Post 1

Ragged Dragon

...are a killer for the dieter...

smiley - sadface

Jez - the witch whose won't power faded tonight...


Post 2


worse than Doritos?



Post 3

Ragged Dragon

Luckily, I don't like Doritos...

Unluckily, I have three tubes of Pringles in the house...

Well, I /did/ have three tubes of Pringles in the house...

Jez - heathen and witch without won't power...


Post 4



smiley - laugh

Sorry, that is probably not funny . . . except it kind of is. smiley - winkeye

I don't dare buy crisps anymore. Doritos seem at least somewhat more 'foodlike' (in terms of having some sort of nutritional value). Then of course there is my total addiction: smiley - popcorn



Post 5

Ragged Dragon

I am going to take one of them to a party tomorrow and the other one is a flavour I don't like...

The salt and vinegar ones were my downfall smiley - smiley

Jezreell - who has been out walking today and is back up to speed - but who has to cook shortbread tonight for the party tomorrow.

Well, it's not totally a party - it's a druid celebration of Imbolc and Bride, and I am invited despite being an interloping heathen.

They like my singing. It gets me invitations to all sorts of places. I've met other gods and goddesses.

smiley - smiley


Post 6


Mr. JR. They are a killer. Not only for the dieter. It is well known. you will increase you chances? Of cancer. It will be a shame. To die from a savoury snack. And not real food. Your people do not tell you these things? Good luck. Mr. JR.

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