This is the Message Centre for Ragged Dragon

Cosmic Fool...

Post 1

Ragged Dragon

I will miss you, my friend.

I will miss your poetry, your joy in life, your love for the worlds and for the people in them.


Fare you well.

May your kin, in blood and friendship, honour and loyalty, be with you as you journey.

May your friends and kindred in Midgarth be strong for each other.

May your path be short and your homecoming joyous.


I will sing your name on the wind this night.


Cosmic Fool...

Post 2

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

I do not know the context of your lament dear Jez, but perhaps these words, that I shared with you before may help.

Speak of me and do not cry,
Say only truth,
No need to lie,

Tell them how I made you sad,
Made you laugh,
And drove you mad.

Stupid things that I would do,
And unspoken things,
Just for you.

Speak proudly of the things I did,
The heights I reached,
And the mistakes I hid.

Speak truly of me and you will find,
I have not gone,
Nor left you behind.

I am here in your memory,
Always with you,
So speak of me.

Matholwch .

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