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It's Glastonbury this weekend.

Post 1


And it's not raining, why am I not there having a good time sitting in the sunshine listening to music. Hmmm, bad planning I think. I bet next time I go it rains again. It's only ever rained three times at the Glastonbury festival and I've been to two of the wet ones. '95 was good though.

It's Glastonbury this weekend.

Post 2

Ben The Hippy

Did you have a groovy one? Wasn't it GORGEOUS?

I'm compiling an article about the festival and any input would be most welcome. I'm gonna make a space for 'Glastonbury Stories'... are u into it?



smiley - bigeyes

It's Glastonbury this weekend.

Post 3


hey guess what, its glastonbury again smiley - smiley

It's Glastonbury this weekend.

Post 4


And guess what, I'm still not there, but I've got a friend who's playing the dance tent smiley - winkeye

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