This is the Message Centre for Flying Blind
welcome flying blind
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation Jun 5, 2002
hi flying blind....welcome to h2g2..i found your introduction my opinion..there is not always a..*right*..&..*wrong*..not everything is *black & white*..there are differences..difference of opinion..different perpective..different beliefs..different cultures..etc..which probably conflict each other..but..are not necessary..right..or..wrong..just different..
i can tell you one thing..i am right not spelt..arguement..
..(it does'nt matter at all..i just couldn't resist being's a rariety for me..
welcome flying blind
Flying Blind Posted Jun 6, 2002
I actually felt a small amount of shame when you pointed out "arguement". I guess four years out of high school has been too long.
welcome flying blind
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jun 6, 2002
..i have been told by a friend who read my above post..there's a few spelling errors there..reading my post again..i can see two typos..there's probably more..i'm terrible at perfect..
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welcome flying blind
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