This is the Message Centre for wishus
TIMELORD Started conversation May 22, 2002
I have used that line myself from time to time but i much prefer "No i got mugged by an Irish Red Indian i got his name it was Tom o'Hawk".
Hello and welcome to h2g2 we are a friendly bunch and like to greet the newcomers so i thought i would stop by and say hello.
We have a group called A.C.E.s there assistant community editors who will drop by and leave a few of these
They are very helpful like that but until one drops by if there is anything that you would like just reply to this message or drop by my homepage by clicking on my name and ask me there.
wishus Posted May 23, 2002
Thanks for the welcome. It looks like a fun place, a little more structured and friendly than everything2. It just takes so long to load, since I'm pulling the pages from across the ocean and all.
Tonto BA (Hons) Posted May 23, 2002
Hopefully the slow loading pages are just a small glitch which they should be fixing on monday, or something
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