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no, no, No, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!

Post 1


The TV broke today. I may go mad from grief at the death of my little friend. I cried to the skies "Will I ever see Neighbours again?" but received no answer. It was also a bank holidy so no-one could come out recussitate little Bert. Why, why does this happen to me! I wonder what disaster will happen tomorrow? Probably a bus will crash into my flat. I'm too sickened to write anything else. 

the Tv guide

Post 2

Digby, a dog that barks.

so was it hard to pass.(to put it as politly as I can percieve).....what about the stapels or was it a glue bound version?

the Tv guide

Post 3


Ah the trick is to eat all but the middle. It goes down nicely. As do cheese plant leaves.

the Tv guide

Post 4

Digby, a dog that barks.

as good as cheese plants, eh? Unfortunatly this is also something I have never tried. Is it French I've always been amazed by their cheese fasinations. I wonder if it has a correlation to their fasination with Jerry Lewis

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