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Post 1


OK, so I'm getting used to the idea that I won't get to see LotR anymore until it comes out on video (which will be when? how about now?) but at least I still have the books.

And I have tickets to see Episode 2 on Saturday, and even though I'm claiming that my boyfriend's dragging me I am kinda excited. Just as long as it's better than the last one. Cos I do like sci-fi, and the trilogy was good, but Ep1 SUCKED. Or maybe it just sucked in comparison to how it should have been, according to the hype and the fact that it's George Lucas and co.

But hey, I might (cross fingers, touch wood) be getting Harry Potter for my birthday. Which will be great. Cos it's good. Even though they didn't let Hermione do her logic thing with the potions. And Snape! Wow! He is definitely up for one of my awards!


Post 2


So what did you think of episode two?
You asked i got here i was reading Greebo's page and read the bit about you liking people reading your page so i thought i would pop over.


Post 3


My thoughts on episode 2: Significantly better than episode 1, much much much better bad guy as well. Soppy buts were not great, scenery (like when they were in the fields with the waterfalls behind) looked fake. Amusing how no-one got any older except anakin. (quote: 'you're grown', reply that should have been: 'yeah, and you haven't').

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