This is the Message Centre for KIMBOWXX
hi kim..
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation May 12, 2002 ACE..(Assistant Community Editor)..will 'drop by' officially welcome you..and offer you advice/useful the might like the read the 'welcome page'..if you haven't on front page..go down the left hand side til you come to 'welcome page..simply click on find out how to do the..
..icons..just click on smiley face..takes you to smiley page..lots to choose from..have fun..
hi kim..
KIMBOWXX Posted May 13, 2002
hi ya emmily how are you can you tell how i go about meeting people on ere i cant work it out
hi kim..
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 13, 2002
hi kim..
i'm fine thanks..u?..
this is very different from LD..more of a discussion forum..than a chat room..everyone on here is very friendly..if u have a hobby or interest..type it into the search engine..see if u get any results from it..if there's a conversation about it..add your opinion..u can do that to any conversation thread u come across..or..type..leisure district..into search may find other people from LD there to chat to..good luck..bit of a nuisance LD being offline..don't suppose it'll be any better when it comes back on..hasn't
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hi kim..
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