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wingpig Started conversation Jun 8, 1999
Could you please ring the local environmental healthpeople and tell them that the owners of the Aran Hotel (I forget where, but somewhere in Northampton) have a dog which enters their kitchen. I've been meaning to do it for two years but have never got round to it. Cheers.
PS I dropped a fiver in the Grosvenor Centre in 1991. If you see it, give me a shout and I'll give you an address to send it to.
Omega Posted Jun 8, 1999
Hey, no complaining about the dog, how else is the main course meant to get into the kitchen?
wingpig Posted Jun 8, 1999
The main course was dead and had to be dragged there - it had died of anthrax three weeks previously. The dog, however, merely seasoned the food with hairs and slobber. I'm not normally so vindictive, it's just that the couple that run the place were right miserable pair of gits.
Omega Posted Jun 11, 1999
Don't you hate that when they think they're doing you a favour by letting you eat in their fetid hell-hole of an establishment
wingpig Posted Jun 13, 1999
They were probably mounting some sort of subtle process at the fact that they'd been booked up for three weeks with a bunch of chefs and waitingpeople from the Edinburgh branch of bella Pasta, at Northampton for their re-training. it wasn't our fault and I doubt that anyone I want to know would willingly stay there, though there appeared to be a few local couples that would actually make the voluntary effort to go there for sunday lunch.
Omega Posted Jun 14, 1999
There's always one eh? - or a few in this case, but the principal still holds. I make it my aim in life to be that 'one'.
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