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The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 1



I hereby claim this page in the name of the people of the glorious nation of bubsterland.

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 2


Do you have a flag? You can't claim anything without a flag smiley - winkeye

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 3


Imperial decree 54: Until such time as flags are freely available to the adoring masses, Ant shall be run up this 'ere Flagpole.

By order.

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 4

what you know as km


That'll teach him to question a conqueror and his dogs.


The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 5


Well when you get here, you can get me down then, unless you have a knife I can borrow smiley - winkeye

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 6


I hope all this chit-chat isn't preventing you from your magnificent symbolic duties. Try to flap a little in the breeze - but keep it stately!

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 7


But it's cold up here *shivers*

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 8

Classic Krissy

Can you shiver in a stately manner?

I just want everyone to know that I, too, have been colonized. I suppose as a good USian I'll have to march about throwing tea into lakes and things. Unfortunatly I can't begin doing this until the motherland provides tea for me to fling.

Oh great and glorious leader, when can I expect some flinging tea?

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 9

what you know as km

*takes bubster's left shoe*

I want you to know that I will find no pleasure in this, and do it not as an act of rebellion, but as an observance of protocol. Please do not take this personally.

*drops bubster's shoe indignantly over the railing*

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 10


Goodbye, old friend. You served Us well.

*thinks about indignantly dropping The Superlative Right Hand of Bub over the railing, but then realises She is just Too Superlative*

Imperial decree 61W: Too Much Superlativeness is Barely Enough.

By Order.

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 11

Classic Krissy

This is all true..but where's my TEA???

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 12

what you know as km

There's something you should know about Tea, Krissy... sh..



The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 13

Classic Krissy

What? What??

How can I possibly go on if you don't TELL ME??

I feel it's an unalienable right as a memeber of the commonwealth of bubster to know.

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 14


I'd like to know about this tea too smiley - winkeye

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 15

what you know as km

*glares* YOU know more about her than anybody. smiley - winkeye


The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 16


Erm... why?

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 17

what you know as km

*glares again* Because I am her... sometimes... sort of... over at that other site... my site... you know.

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 18


*puzzles her sore puzzler*

*admires the way Ant flaps in the breeze*

*puzzles some more*

*follows trail of oreo crumbs out the door*

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 19

Classic Krissy

*continues to make a diabolical circle of cookie crumbs*

The sun shall never set on the Empire!

Post 20


Crumbs, chief! I mean, Champ smiley - winkeye

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