This is the Message Centre for Ant

Nylon! Twine!

Post 1

what you know as km

So I think maybe I'll start a petition for the people in London to get the lines back up again so your job can be easy...

...let's see if anyone finds it...

1. KM smiley - smiley

Nylon! Twine!

Post 2


Thanks babe you're a sweetie smiley - smiley

Nylon! Twine!

Post 3


I'm not entirely sure what this petition is for, still if it'll help Ant it's a good cause...

1. KM
2. Jonny

Nylon! Twine!

Post 4

what you know as km


*wears party hat*

Nylon! Twine!

Post 5


Ooo must have worked, we've finally got it fixed touch wood smiley - smiley

Nylon! Twine!

Post 6


A very well orchestrated campaign, KM. What with there only being 2 signatures you must have put forward a very convincing case for whatever it was you were putting a case forward for.

I assume that this petition thingy and this:

are related, but I'm still none the wiser. Not that it matters, you two seem to be happy about it and that's reason enough for a party.

*lets off party popper*

Nylon! Twine!

Post 7

Classic Krissy

Awwwww... I got here too late to sign. Ah well, I'm happy anyhow!! *eats some cake*

Jonny, I feel fairly sure that a "party popper" should be an illegal substance. smiley - smiley

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