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Er, well, rabbits

Post 1


Yes, really. I just saw one out my bedroom window (which is next to the computer here). Actually, I got up and peered out the window, and there it was, staring back at me. And then it took off. But it's the second time I've seen it there. Ah, the joys of having a ground floor apartment near the trees. smiley - winkeye

Er, well, rabbits

Post 2


I occasionally see squirrels but not that many rabbits, oh and the odd fox.

Er, well, rabbits

Post 3


Er Radiohead inf. by Marillion?? are u shure??? I really like Radiohead and think that Marillion are (were) pale Genesis clones(who I don't like much either) so imagine my distress at reading this info, if you can prove this it would upset me greatly so here's your oportunity..

Er, well, rabbits

Post 4


Ask Thom...

In the meantime while I'm waiting for you to meet him, have you listened to ANY recent Marillion, Brave 1994 or Radiation 1998. The best thing that ever happened to the band was Fish leaving in 1988 that's all I can say. smiley - winkeye

*Shaking his head* 'Pale Genisis clones', not that tired old cliché again.

Er, well, rabbits

Post 5


Thanks, I will have to investigate this further!

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