This is the Message Centre for ragdolly


Post 1

Researcher 178815

you said to message you smiley - smiley I did smiley - smiley

smiley - winkeye


Post 2


How old are you please?


Post 3


hello there!!smiley - smiley hope you're well.
i know i asked for you to mssg me,but i
thought that maybe you'd be a bit more ''chatty''
smiley - smiley...what things have you been doing?
have a great week-end.smiley - smiley x


Post 4

Bouncing Red Blob

Bounce Bounce Bounce Wibble Wibble Wibble...


Post 5

Researcher 178815

Hi! smiley - smiley PINKLADY, Me? I`m 16 smiley - smiley

Well, I can be chatty but I have to have something to "chat" about smiley - winkeye

Let me see.. There's TV, The weather or the latest soap gossip...

::rolls eyes:: (© Ottox smiley - winkeye)

How about we just talk about nothing? It can be funnier sometimes..

Like the time when the cheese sandwich jumped over the hurdle and decided it was a lemon, jumping in and out of a bottle of gin for a while, or at least *thinking* it was a glass of gin.. Or was that a bottle? Oh, nevermind - Oh look! A Donkey!


smiley - run


Post 6


.... Same here,
.... nothing to talk about
.... so we make very boring people
.... The only thing I am interested in
.... is getting our daughter well.
.... If you go to my space you will
.... know all about me.

.... smiley - smileysmiley - rose Marion

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