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Post 41

Star Fleet...

cuddly any day now smiley - smiley i hope its on christmas day how smiley - magic would that be smiley - smiley i really hope everything goes well for you smiley - hug take care smiley - cuddle

Star Fleet
smiley - santa


Post 42


Hi Star Fleet

I will have to look tomorow for you as I have to drive early in the morning so I am of to smiley - zzz

I know ( for the PS2 ) that if you put "butterfly" in the passcode screen it will unlock all missions ( at the start of the game )

but I will look for somemore tomorow smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 43

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

star fleet yeah hun cant wait hun smiley - biggrin
hope ur well this morning
smiley - cuddle

manda ello hun hows u this morn hope ur well...
smiley - hugsmiley - hug


Post 44


I am fine smiley - cheers

just have to go to w**k in this wet and cold weather smiley - wah

manda smiley - peacedove

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