This is the Message Centre for manda1111


Post 1

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

I was wandering around the pages, when I noticed that someone had an X-Files banner, it's in my guide entry under the title of pictures...Being a Buffy fan I just wondered if there was a way of getting a Buffy banner?

I would appreciate any help you can give, thankyou.

smiley - biggrin Xander


Post 2


Hi Xander

smiley - sorry that it hs taken so long to get to you smiley - sorry

but I am glad to see that you are being helped by SEF,

You can't get any better help then SEF so you are in good hands there smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 3

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

I'm confused, my page has been moderated and I don't know why, everyone including yourself has been in my page, and I even asked if I was breaking any rules, yet they've still put my page into moderation.

Does this mean that I might lose my page?

smiley - biggrin Xander


Post 4


Hi Xander

You should of got a e-mail to tell you why it was moderated,

You will not lose all your page, if you lose anything it will just be the thing that break the rules
you should still be able to EDIT your page, if you go in and get rid of what you think is the problem then they might put it back

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 5

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

I thought of doing that, but the message says not to edit the page. It must be because of the pictures that I put on though.

smiley - biggrin Xander


Post 6


I thought those pics belonged to the BBC, so why are they failing them smiley - erm

unless they class them as "External" pictures and not blobes smiley - erm

I am sure that you can edit the page smiley - erm

but why not reply to the e-mail asking them if you can edit it,

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 7

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

I would respond to the E--mail if I had received one.

I'm getting a bit annoyed smiley - grr now.

smiley - grr Xander


Post 8

Det. Manners

Speaking from what I have experienced in the past and in another life, the moderation explanation message can take several days to arrive in your inbox, or the entry can just be put back up without change, warning or explanation from anyone, anywhere.

Welcome to the realm of the all powerful moderator!

smiley - yikessmiley - run


Post 9

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

This is a bit ridiculous, would it not be easier to just tell the person what they did wrong so they can fix it, especially something as small as pictures.

smiley - grr Xander


Post 10

Det. Manners

You'd think so wouldn't you? Yeah well someone doesn'tsmiley - laugh

Best advice I can give you at the moment is sit tight and try not to get too smiley - bleeped off with the whole thing, not easy I know. Hopefully they wont take toooooooo long to get back to you...

Hey at least you can still post smiley - cheerup

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