This is the Message Centre for Researcher 193052

Hi there

Post 1

Detective Armani

I guarantee this place will keep you too busy to be boredsmiley - biggrin

One of the Aces will no doubt be along shortly to greet you properly.(click on the highlighted word to reveal the aces)

So welcome and i hope to see you around.

Hi there

Post 2

Micheal Jay Mole

Well, the Detective is correct. Micheal Jay Mole ACE here. Finding your way around h2g2 is not as hard as it may look. View the house rules first then click on the Front Page. It should lead you every where. Never be afraid to hit the Help! button too. If you feel lost you can also use the h2g2 serch engine. If you get totally frustrated find an ACE's page you really like and start a conversation with them. We ACEs are here to help you into the world of Douglas Adams (DNA).Lots to do and lots of fun.

Drop in if you need any help or just a smile. I have lots of smiley - popcorn.

I'll be looking for you smiley - smiley.


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