A Conversation for STATIC SHOCK


Post 1


When you get out of your car, touch metal while you are still sitting down. That will earth you, and you won't get a shock. Don't scuff your feet when you walk on carpet, make sure you pick your feet up! Then you won't build up a charge. See if that helps. smiley - smiley


Post 2


Thanks for that Linda i will give it a try, touch metal before i get out of the car..I don`t usualy scuff my feet and if i am walkig about indoors i tend to slip my shoes and socks off so that i am getting a better earth when i am walking about..
If there is anything I can help you with you know where I am..and if i don`t know the answer i will move Heaven and Earth to find it for you..xxxxxxxxxx..RESPECT..Marc

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