This is the Message Centre for Brian

Welcome Brian...

Post 1

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I am The Minister of BLACK smiley - blackcat

One of the Assistant community Editors will be along to roll out the red carpet before too long, who knows it might even be my alter ego Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - blackcat

I am currently on the lookout for new Disciples to join our ranks smiley - blackcat

Click on my name at the top of this post to go and have a look round the Ministry smiley - blackcat

Click the "Reply" button down below if you want a chat - or need help with any problems you experience smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Welcome Brian...

Post 2


I'm really confused. Is the subject stated on 'my space' posted as a topic for discussion or discovered 'by chance' ? How do I locate relevant areas which are not listed. Can you please advise.


Welcome Brian...

Post 3

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Your introduction IS posted as a topic of conversation, I suppose it saves other researchers from starting several new topics if they want to chat about the subject matter of your intro.

Finding other stuff....

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Somewhere on your page there's a small box with the word "Search" next to it. In "Goo" which is the "skin" I use, they are towards the centre top of the screen. I'm not sure where it is if you use "Alabaster", but it's there somewhere. Type in a word, or words you want to search for and you'll be given a list of entries with the word in. Click on one ot read the entry.

If ever you get lost, click the "My Space" button to go straight back to your own user space.

"Alabaster" is the default "skin" (i.e. how H2G2 appears when you view it on your screen) which is mainly white. "Classic Goo" is a beautiful dark blue, with greeny blue blobs.

If you'd like to try "Goo" click on the "Preferences" button, and alter the skin choice box as appropriate, don't forget to do a save!! smiley - biggrin

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Welcome Brian...

Post 4


Dear Minister,

Thanks for the tips


Welcome Brian...

Post 5

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I hope you're getting to grips with things smiley - blackcat

If you need any further assistance, let me know.... smiley - blackcat

Knight of Night, Minister of Black smiley - blackcat

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