This is the Message Centre for geordie jo

Hello, Jo...

Post 1

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

Welcome to h2g2, Jo! I'm SmartGamer, an ACE. That means I have the pleasant job of wandering around saying "hi" to all the people bumbling around, lost and new.

I like your joke, by the way. Here's one for you:

Why did the frog cross the road?

To get in a video game.

Why did the bulldozer cross the road?

It was tied to the frog.

So you're a better joke teller than me. Oh well. Give it a good laugh smiley - laugh anyway!

Yes, I put a little image in there. Have some smiley - cake and I'll tell you how to do that- just click on one of those images to find out how to make them all! Soon you'll be making smiley - smiley s with the best of them.

h2g2 can be a little confusing at first. I'm here if you need someone to show you around! May I suggest going to the Front Page and seeing what other people are writing and saying? You'll get a feeling for the community that way.

If you want to talk back to me, maybe ask a quesiton, click that button labeled REPLY and leave your own message. I'll be back if you do, answering your question or just chatting!

Again, welcome to h2g2!

--SmartGamer, Keeper Of That Which Breaks Down Easily (ACE)

Hello, Jo...

Post 2

geordie jo

thankyou Smartgamer
that was a good joke. Have a fun day, cheerio

Hello, Jo...

Post 3

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

Thanks, I will have a good day!

Glad to see you replying. It's a good sign. smiley - smiley

Enjoy h2g2! Let me know if you get lost or confused, I'll be waiting if you need me.



Hello, Jo...

Post 4

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I am The Minister of BLACK smiley - blackcat

I am currently on the lookout for new Disciples at The Ministry to join our ranks smiley - blackcat

Click on my name at the top of this post to go and have a look round the Ministry smiley - blackcat

Click the "Reply" button down below if you want a chat - or need help with any problems you experience smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Hello, Jo...

Post 5

geordie jo

sounds cool
good luck with your campaign. I was a bit confused! so not ready to join the ranks(and going to go and do lots of exam revision) but I'll watch with interest
cheers, Jo

Hello, Jo...

Post 6

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Good luck with the exams smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

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