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#I can't wait, for the weekend to begi-in!#

Post 1


Hellooooooooooooo sexy lady!

How are we this fine, crisp, winter morning??

I got up at 7am today and left for work at 745, and I feel fresh as a daisy smiley - smiley

#I can't wait, for the weekend to begi-in!#

Post 2


Well Hello there!!!

Im grand thanx. Went to bed early last nite so feeling quite awake 2day. smiley - biggrin

Wots ur plans 4 this weeknd??

#I can't wait, for the weekend to begi-in!#

Post 3


Well with me today in my magic bag I have... spaghetti, bolognaise sauce, red pepper, onion and mince... so I plan to have dinner with my girlies tonight. then i'm getting drunk and meeting mr w hehe.

and what be your plans missy??smiley - cool

Mary Poppins

Post 4


wot else u got in ur magic bag....a lamp...a

Not got any plans 4 this evening..oh would u like to invite ur man round 2 ours 4 dinner...c,mon that wld b a lauf! lol

Mary Poppins

Post 5


I have glaric bread too! 2 chicken rolls for my lunch and 2 bags of quavers. Oh, and my makeup, perfume and a wee 750ml of diet cola. hmm, i think that is all smiley - smiley

em I dont think he'd be comfortable with that do you lol?? there wouldnt eb any other guys there?!?!

Mary Poppins

Post 6


Il invite Craig lol

Gang Bang

Post 7


oooooooo yeah it would be well funny! u should! would u? lol

Funny Ha Ha

Post 8


Dont think that would go down so well do u??? lol

Funny Ha Ha

Post 9


it's just dinenr between 5 mutual friends! haha!

did j text s back last night??

Its all gravy

Post 10


Yes...they were on the phone for i think all is good.

Its all gravy

Post 11


gooooood good good good! soundo.

nikki was up at 5am this morning, cuz she was sending me messages on msn, i left it on overnight. wonder what she was doing. she's turning into the ex flatmates she used to despise! haha!!


Post 12


Ha ha she must just b sleeping all day then she wont b able 2 sleep at night lol. Do u know if she is workin at Winky 2nite???


Post 13


she is indeed. im going to winky after gettin wasted and gonna go c her lol. fancy it


Post 14


when r ur breaks today? do u have ciggys lol??

Would love 2...

Post 15


.....but think im gonna give it a miss, apart from the lack of funds im workin the moro....

Would love 2...

Post 16


ah yes 4got about that. soundo.


Post 17


when r ur breaks today? do u have ciggys lol??


Post 18


only bout 5 till last me till payday hahaha... oh its a dire state of affairs

Break at 930


Post 19


haha okay then. i will c u then. im guna get money from the mother tonight. tell her i need it cuz am goin on a date haha, not that i am, but she duznt no that hehe...

Tut tut

Post 20


Im running out of options on that is cus meeting u out 2nite?? if so where r u staying???

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