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yes ! I have a book

Post 21


I hugry do some one got some "stuff"to eat?
order:hamburger with avery-thing and a big coke then a cup of smiley - tea.
thank you.
have a nise day(spell bad)
smiley - bigeyes

yes ! I have a book

Post 22


smiley - erm

yes ! I have a book

Post 23

Child of Saunola

Hello bookbug, what´s up ???
Have bean to shool today smiley - sadface

yes ! I have a book

Post 24


ofcorse!what do you think!
and I was on this site in school.smiley - cool

well,I will smell you later,(joke)lol.
/you (lol)

yes ! I have a book

Post 25


yes ! I have a book

Post 26


sorry!!!!!!!! smiley - wah

yes ! I have a book

Post 27

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

you can eat breakfast and then go to the computer you know....but here is some smiley - tea and smiley - cake ,take care! and be good!smiley - bigeyes

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