This is the Message Centre for kat.4

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2. I hope you find it as much fun as I do!

I see you've already got the hang of the Smileys with your smiley - monster reference.

I am an ACE (assistant community editor) which means I have volunteered to greet newbies and be generally helpful around the site. If you have any questions, need some help, or just want a chat, I'm your man!

I love Buffy by the way.

I've put together a page of links that are useful.

Check 'em out.

threesecondmemory (Lee)

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 2


thanks for the welcome, if I have any questions I will ask you Ta,

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 3


That's what I'm here for.

smiley - biggrin

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 4

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

*waves to threesec*

I swear, I must know half the ACEs...

Anyway, just thought I'd stop by, since kat stopped by my space...

Have a mufflewhump, kat!

(OK, threesec, you can have one too, but you've got lots by nowsmiley - winkeye)

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 5


*waves to Amy*
*waves to Kat*

Yeah I've got lots, but you know I love 'em! smiley - biggrin

An ACE style welcome! ...

Post 6


right back at ya!!!!!!!smiley - smiley
from smiley - blackcat.4

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