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First Day!
Hikigamo Started conversation Apr 1, 2002
Well, my "normal" journal is at, but I feel like writing in here. So there.
I couldnae write on the comp last night, since there were thunderstorms, so I organised my binders instead. I'm up to a 4 inch, a 2 inch, *and* a one inch, and I need another *pouts*. There's an amazing 5 inch one that I saw the other week with clear insert pockets on the front and back, a thumbhole on the spine for grabbing it off of shelves and out of Checkerboard Nightmare ( satchels, and two-step economy rings. I *want* it. Badly. I lust after this binder.
No Otteryness this morning yet. Gaah. I miss my Otter.
I'm going clothing shopping for the first time today since just before I went to Scotland, almost five years ago. People may die. I *hate* clothes shopping, but I need the new clothes so that I can get a job type thing and get money for to *see* Otters and Squirrels and Triscuits *nods*. Mum gave me some savings bonds she bought right after The Donor died that've all matured, so, if need be, I have a bit to play with, but I'd rather let them sit a bit longer. Interest is my *friend*.
Right. Off to babble for a bit before I pass out for a few hours.
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First Day!
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