This is the Message Centre for Dave-M

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 1


Hi! I just signed up this week too smiley - smiley . This site is full of fun and fine folks - real smart and helpful. smiley - ok You sound like an extraordinarily young 62 based on your interests. smiley - biggrin Good For YOU !! smiley - wow Please feel free to pop on over any time ( the wife and kiddies are invited too smiley - cool ). Have a ball -- smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 2


Hi Kat, thanks for the welcome, it's nice to meet you.
This site seems vast, and I have only scratched the surface so far.
It is always good to meet people and to make new friends. I can't get in here as often as I would like, but I.m sure I'll see you from time to time.
A strange coincidence, my daughters username on another chat site is Kat as well!
Kind regards, Dave.

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 3


Well, what can I say! smiley - smiley She possesses excellent cerebral skills by having chosen her title so well ( takes after Dad no doubt! ). smiley - laugh And obviously Divine Providence is alive and thriving on the planet smiley - earth. Perhaps you can do what I do - simply steal little snippets of time in order to play. smiley - sillysmiley - thief It works! smiley - biggrin What's your daughter like? maybe we share other traits. smiley - wow Have a grand time - I'm sure you will!! smiley - winkeyesmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 4


Hi KAT, Thanks for your msg. I will adopt your method, little snippets of time, in order to play, I like that.
My Daughter Maureen, likes reading, TV, especially programmes like Friends, ER, Buffy etc. She also likes doing cross stitch, and her one contribution to sport, is to play for a ladies darts team.
Sometime, I'll persuade her to write to you, and she can tell you more.
Kind regards

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 5


Hi Dave, Happy Easter from N.Y.. I'd love to hear from Maureen - we can compare notes. smiley - smiley I too love to read ( in fact most folks comment that there's not a room in my house without a ton of books and eclectic artwork - sort of like a meandering extensive library. Amazing how many books are out "on loan" - and that makes me exremely happy). smiley - biggrin Do you have any special plans for today - perhaps a family dinner? What is your traditional fare for this holiday? Any unique ways of celebration - or will everything be rather toned down in honor of the Queen Mum? smiley - sadface What did you think of her - it appeared that she was very beloved. smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 6


Hi KAT, sorry for the delay in replying.
I hope you had a nice Easter break yourself.
I just had a quiet day at home with my family.
Here, to celebrate Easter, kids roll hard boiled eggs, which are painted colourfully, down a grassy slope, to signify the rolling away of the stone in front of Jesus's tomb.
It wasn't a very nice day here so my grandson rolled his egg in the garden.
The Queen Mother was a grand old lady, and was loved by the people, and will be sadly missed.
Maureen is going to contact you, soon she tells me.
It is always nice to hear from you Kat.
....smiley - biggrin

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 7


Hi Dave. smiley - smiley I just posted to "neighbours" and hadn't yet read this mesage. Sounds like you had a lovely day. Please tell me about your grandson - what does he call you? I'd certainly love to chat with Maureen. And Easter was terrific - I just love holidays! Take care smiley - magic KAT

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 8


Hi there Kat,
thanks for your msg.
My grandsons name is Ryan and he calls me Granda,
As I said before, he is 4 years old, and he has sandy coloured hair and blue eyes.
Most of the time he is OK, but just occasionaly he can be a little monster smiley - monster lol.
It's always good to hear from you smiley - smiley
Dave. smiley - biggrin

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 9


Hi Dave - your grandson sounds adorable and little boys are probably programmed to be little monsters smiley - monster but that's half the fun! How are you finding this site so far? smiley - smiley Have you had a chance to read a lot? smiley - biggrin KAT

Welcome from Kittykat (fellow newbie)

Post 10


I have found lots to read in here.
I only wish I had more time to spend on looking.
I keep coming back for more though, and find there is even more to catch up on, so there is no chance of getting bored with it.
Dave. smiley - biggrin

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