This is the Message Centre for Newki Brown Ale

did u hear rite?

Post 1


Sum1 mention smiley - ale???

smiley - run

smiley - biggrin hey i like it here.....smiley - drunk

Love Bambi aka Beaver.xXx.

did u hear rite?

Post 2

Event Horizon

smiley - ale Where?! smiley - bigeyes

did u hear rite?

Post 3

Newki Brown Ale

Sorry peeps it's all for me smiley - laugh

You can join me tho if you can make it up to newcastle lol smiley - winkeye

IAN smiley - cool

did u hear rite?

Post 4

Event Horizon

Meet in Newcastle! smiley - biggrin
Be right there smiley - run

did u hear rite?

Post 5


smiley - sadface way 2 far 4 me 2 travel suppose id beta go buy my own smiley - wah perhaps we could do an exchange - smiley - ale for vids! good plan! smiley - biggrin

Love Beaver.xXx.

PS does ne1 have any idea how u qualify 2 bcum a smiley - nurse? random question jus wondering!

did u hear rite?

Post 6

Newki Brown Ale

HHMM im open to negotiation lol smiley - winkeye


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