This is the Message Centre for Fool

Hi! I'm Kittykat

Post 1


I'm new too - joined two days ago. Quite an adventurous place replete with lots of high intelligence, wonderful wit and seemingly super folks. How did you discover it? What's your first impression? Any helpful hints you've gleaned so far? smiley - blackcatsmiley - laugh

Hi! I'm Kittykat

Post 2


Hiya Kittykat. Thanks for the kind greeting. Sounds like you have a real fight on your hands but have heart-I firmly believe that those who are the good guys will always win in the end. Good luck and keep purring.
Fool x


Post 3

nannan 192136

i hope this finds you alright you know me better as marion from Scotland .cannot quite get the hang of this bare with me .Read your page great stuff keep up the good work. have you contacted Frank. will try to keep contact if I can master this .Best wishes hope to hear from you nannan.


Post 4

nannan 192136

i hope this finds you alright you know me better as marion from Scotland .cannot quite get the hang of this bare with me .Read your page great stuff keep up the good work. have you contacted Frank. will try to keep contact if I can master this .Best wishes hope to hear from you nannan.

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